In the year 2025, in a twist of fate, Donald Trump discovers the ancient Viking path to Valhalla. Armed with nothing but his hair and a golden Twitter megaphone, he vows to send his critics straight to the Norse afterlife.
Each $TSTV token is a ticket on this epic journey, where every transaction could be your last... or your legend's beginning.
1. When Thor swings Mjolnir, it creates thunder. When Trump swings a golf club, it realigns the Nine Realms.
2. Trump's wall isn't just keeping out immigrants - it's actually holding back Jörmungandr, the World Serpent.
3. Trump doesn't use the Bifrost - he builds escalators between realms and makes the Frost Giants pay for them.
4. They say Odin sacrificed his eye for wisdom. Trump just wrote "The Art of the Deal" and Odin had to buy a copy.
5. Ragnarök isn't the end of times - it's just Trump's biggest property development deal yet.
6. Trump's tweets don't just trend on Twitter - they're automatically carved into Yggdrasil.
7. The giants didn't build Asgard's walls - Trump Development LLC did, under budget and ahead of schedule.
8. When Trump does his hair in the morning, it creates the Aurora Borealis.